Torque Wrench Calibration Service
Torque wrenches must be calibrated regularly to ensure that they continue to work effectively. On this page, you can learn why this is important as well as key information including how regularly the service should be completed.
Whether the torque instruments are used for automotive or aircraft maintenance, pipeline work or heavy vehicle maintenance all torque tools are precision instruments and should be treated as such. They should be serviced and calibrated on a regular basis to ensure the operator guaranteed accuracy and that the particular tool is operating at peak performance. Our Nata traceable calibrations meet or exceed ISO 6789:2017-2 standards which are currently the highest international standard for torque wrench calibration.
You might have heard that it’s important to re-calibrate your torque wrench on a regular basis. Or, you could be wondering whether you need to wind it back to zero after each use. These two questions are crucial for quality and production managers. If your torque wrench isn’t working effectively, then it will have a tremendous impact on the production process.
When exploring issues with calibration, it is important to refer to the ISO6789:2017. This includes key information on quality conformance testing as well as recalibration procedure. Many people do refer to this as the key torque wrench standard.
Back in 1992, this document dictated that tools should be tested at 5000 cycles in both directions. However, there was no guidance provided for when a recalibration should be completed. In 2003, a new edition of the document including quality conformance testing as well as recalibration. It then became important for individuals who were using torques wrenches rather than individuals who were responsible for creating them.